Joined by a common bond…
Membership in ElecTel Cooperative Federal Credit Union is open to any member/consumer and their families of the 26 electric cooperatives in North Carolina.Learn more about us

Membership is also open to the employees, directors, and officers of the electric and telephone cooperatives in North Carolina, Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, Tennessee, and West Virginia.

Family members – anyone related to you by blood, marriage, or adoption – are also eligible to join. Learn more about us

…Set apart from the rest!
Anyone can offer financial services, but credit union membership is truly a unique experience. Unlike banks, whose primary goal is to maximize profit for a select group of stockholders, credit unions are owned and governed by members. And everyone has an equal voice.

ElecTel Cooperative FCU exists to serve your financial needs by offering a full range of affordable, easy to obtain services. Our “profits” are returned to you in the form of higher savings rates, lower loan rates, and fewer fees than you’ll find at most other institutions.

Changing jobs or retiring from the cooperative? You don’t have to leave the credit union – your membership is good for life!  Be sure to take ElecTel Cooperative FCU’s convenient and affordable financial services with you wherever you go!

"Once a member, Always a member"

How to Join ­
If you’re within our field of membership and would like to begin enjoying the credit union benefit, all you need to do is complete a brief membership application and submit it with a minimum deposit of $1. This opens your regular share (savings) account, which makes you eligible for all of our other member-friendly services.

Access our online membership applicationOpens in New Window/Tab. You can also get an application at any of our branch offices, by calling 1-800-849-5600, or email us at [email protected].

Join ElecTel Cooperative FCU today.
We look forward to serving you!