
Electric Vehicle Loan

Electric Vehicle Loan

Electric Vehicle Loan

electric vehicle loan tesla image

You already know that being a member of your local electric co-op has some special benefits. But did you also know one of those benefits is joining a financial co-op?

ElecTel is a not-for-profit financial cooperative that has been serving electric co-op employees and members since 1969. One of the benefits of being a member of your electric co-op is taking advantage of special financial offers from ElecTel.

Right now, ElecTel is offering a low-interest loan for electric vehicles. Apply now or fill out the form below for more details about this special offer.

You may also be eligible for additional electric vehicle benefits as a member of your electric co-op, in addition to those provided by vehicle manufacturers and federal tax incentives. Learn more about electric vehicles and the ways your electric co-op is working to support driving electric at ncdriveelectric.com.

Your electric co-op is working hard to make sure you have access to more charging stations too! With public charging stations at 30 locations and more on the horizon, cooperatives are expanding access to electric vehicle technology across North Carolina.

Click here to find a list of charging station locations.

Go green. Save green. See what we mean?

*APR = Annual Percentage Rate. See credit union for details.


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