Feeling major sticker shock on your car or truck’s financing? Bring your auto loan down to earth—refinance with ElecTel and take up to 2.00% APR* off your current auto rate.
Financing that Moves You Forward
Whether refinancing your current vehicle or financing your next one, an ElecTel auto loan is designed to help you get the car or truck you need with a monthly payment you can afford.
Lowering your auto rate by up to 2.00% APR isn’t the only benefit to refinancing with ElecTel.
- Easy to Make, Low Payments
- Up to 120% Financing
- Terms up to 84 Months
Get rewired for success with the financing you need. Refinance your auto loan with ElecTel today.
*APR=Annual Percentage Rate. Approved rate will be up to 2.00% APR less than member’s current external auto loan rate. New rate cannot be lower than ElecTel Cooperative Federal Credit Union’s minimum floor rate. Members must meet loan qualifying criteria. All auto loans are subject to credit approval. Loans financed through dealer or manufacturer at 0.00% are ineligible. ElecTel Cooperative Federal Credit Union reserves the right to extend, alter, or cancel this promotion at any time. Proof of current, external rate required. See credit union for more details. Federally insured by NCUA.